Volume 6, Issue 4 (10-2013)                   IJMEHM 2013, 6(4): 17-28 | Back to browse issues page

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Salimi E, Fathi M J. A legal analysis of euthanasia in the Islamic criminal code of 2011. IJMEHM 2013; 6 (4) :17-28
URL: http://ijme.tums.ac.ir/article-1-5182-en.html
1- Department of Criminal Sciences and Criminology, University of Tehran, Qom Paradise, Qom, Iran , aeds90@gmail.com
2- Department of Criminal Sciences and Criminology, University of Tehran, Qom Paradise, Qom, Iran
Abstract:   (30071 Views)
Euthanasia or mercy killing is a new and challenging topic in medical law. This article examines all types of euthanasia based on the Islamic criminal code of 2011, and demonstrates that active and involuntary euthanasia is murder if conditions exist the basis for active and voluntary euthanasia, however, is the victim’s consent, so the penalty is less. As the physical element of inactive euthanasia is omission, clause 296 of the criminal code and clause 2 of the penal code on refusing to help the wounded apply. Lastly, it is suggested that legislators criminalize euthanasia with a new approach and independent title, and consider principles of justice to determine less punishment for this type of killing compared to murder with malice aforethought.
Full-Text [PDF 301 kb]   (8517 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review | Subject: Madical law
Received: 2013/10/7 | Accepted: 2013/10/7 | Published: 2013/10/7

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Comment sent by kaveharya8@gmail.com on 2022/10/7
به نظر بنده اتانازی ربطی به دین نداره چون بیماران اعصاب وروان اسکیزوفرنی که با دارو درمان نمیشه و از توهمات شنوایی و بینایی رنج میبرد ناچار به خودکشی های خشن مثل خودسوزی و پرش از ارتفاع وغیره میشود که با اتانازی آمار خودکشی های خشن و خشونت بار به صفر میرسه و هزینه های درمان دولت و جامعه بسیار کم میشه. تشکر
Comment sent by مریم خلجزاده on 2024/11/6
مطالب زیادی برای رد و قبول موضوع فقهی و فلسفی داریم .باوجود این هرکس برداشت خودش رو داره،به امید روزی که درک درستی داشته باشیم و قوانینی اجرایی مناسبی و انعطافی برای پذیرش افکار جدید *

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