Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
چکیده: (7229 مشاهده)
For thousands of years morality has been linked to philosophy. It’s not more than a decade that psychologists began to study the field of morality independently. Nowadays, moral psychology has clarified both theoretically and experimentally that emotions play a significant role in ethical decision making process. While through the long period of medical education, medical students experience a wide range of negative and positive emotions and witness many affective events happening for the patients and their families in everyday practice. But unfortunately as they are not taught how to deal with these feelings and affections, they gradually undergo emotional detachment that lead to difficulties in making professional relationships with their patients and peers. Studies that have compared emotional intelligence between medical students and other university students support this claim. It seems necessary to incorporate proper learning programs to the current educational curriculum to help medical students acquire the skills of managing their emotions.
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دریافت: 1392/7/6 | پذیرش: 1392/7/6 | انتشار: 1392/7/6