Abstract: (8324 Views)
Human cloning is one of the latest and most complicated developments in the field of medical and genetic sciences that could fulfill man’s dream of eternal life. Scientists’ achievements in this respect, however, have brought about many concerns for thinkers, particularly ethics scholars.
Human and animal cloning have been examined from different angles, but one basic aspect of human cloning has received less attention from researchers and scientists, and that is the autonomy of the cloned person the reason is that gaining informed consent, which is one of the most important principles of medical ethics in human experiments, is impossible in the case of human clones.
Free will lies at the core of human perfection and divine revelation, and one important issue that the present study concerns itself with is whether or not technologies such as cloning or embryonic genetic modification violate the autonomy of cloned persons. This paper attempted to look into such issues regarding human cloning through library research.
Type of Study:
Research |
Accepted: 2013/10/8 | Published: 2017/09/27