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Showing 2 results for Khodaei

Leila Khastkhodaei, Hossein Gholami, Mohammad Rahnamaeian,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (5-2015)

Eugenics or the science of breeding humans is a movement based on biological concepts that advocate policies for improvement of the human population genetics. It has also served as a determinant factor and reference in many social disciplines including law and punishment during certain periods in history. In fact, based on eugenic policies, which were affirmed by biologists, health experts and physicians, many people were sentenced to elimination from the society’s gene pool and thereby underwent sexual sterilization. Such practices were approved by economists and jurists involved in the executive affairs of many countries as well. Publication of two separate journals about eugenics and the corresponding empirical data confirming the influence of genetics on behaviors along with the solidity of eugenics-related policies demonstrate the scientific significance of this movement in its heyday. This public legitimacy started to decline, however, after sterilization of tens of thousands of mentally or physically handicapped people by Nazi Germany and the ascending criticism on moral and scientific bases of eugenics, which almost led to the exclusion of the subject in public. In this essay, eugenic concepts, relevant policies and its legitimacy throughout history are discussed to provide a better outlook for adopting more effective strategies in public health policymaking

Soraya Golipoor Khanmiri, Alireza Khodaei, Marjan Shirazi, Khadije Naziri,
Volume 11, Issue 0 (3-2018)

One of the most effective factors on organizational behavior is the Nurses’ job satisfaction. Spiritual wellbeing of nurses is an inseparable personal element that influences their job satisfaction. The aim of this study was assessing association between Nurses' spiritual well-being and job satisfaction in Educational-Therapeutic center of Tabriz Shohada. The study population was nurses of Shohada hospital. In this study, 155 participants were selected by stratified Simple random sampling method. The research tools consisted of two questionnaires including spiritual well-being scale (SWBS) and job satisfaction (MSQ). In order to analyze the data, descriptive (frequency, percent, mean, standard deviation) and inferential (independent t, Pearson, Spearman, ANOVA Tukey test) were used. The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between nurses' spiritual well-being and their job satisfaction (P<0.05). Also, mean score of nurses' job satisfaction was 61.89 (12.63) and mean score of spiritual well-being was 89.85 (13.64) and both were above average (P<0.05). Type of employment, age, and sex had significant relationship with job satisfaction (P<0.05). According to the findings of this study, it is recommended that the relevant stakeholders and authorities increase their nurses' job satisfaction, pay special attention to the issue of spiritual health and improvement of it, because increasing spiritual health increases nurses’ job satisfaction and ultimately lead to better Care services will be better for patients.

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